Concept: Living with Anxiety
In modern society, it is not unusual to have anxiety. However, as sad as it may seem, it IS unusual for an individual to know how to manage their anxiety. First and foremost, many people don't even realize they have anxiety. These days, the amount of pressure that is placed upon young adults is overwhelming. The cost of college alone is enough to make someone snap. However, now young adults are being more affected by anxiety in deeper ways. I am one of these young adults - I have severe anxiety. But I'm doing just fine!
If you're questioning it at all, there's a chance you have mild anxiety at minimum. Here are a few questions to add some foresight into anxiety:
- Do you think everyone is always mad at you, even if they're not?
- Do you spend hours going over fights or conversations in your head to figure out what you said 'wrong?'
- Do you have panic attacks about tests, quizzes, grades, etc?
- Do you have a hard time going to parties because the idea of meeting new people scares you?
- Does conflict make you feel sick?
First, let's start with how to tell others about your anxiety. Here's some dialouge that may be helpful :
"This made me uncomfortable, can we talk about it?"
"I know this may seem irrational, but this is how i feel..."
"I'm sorry, big events actually stress me out. I'd love to meet up with you sometime one on one though."
"I need to know you're not mad at me. If you could just confirm that, I'd be able to relax. Thanks!"
BE UPFRONT! It's 100% okay to have feelings, but when you keep those feelings locked up, then your anxiety gets worse. I know the concept of throwing your emotions out there is one that stresses you out, but if you open your heart and mind to the idea, and take a huge leap of faith, it will be so much healthier for you in the long run.
Aroma therapy is incredible helpful. Candles, scents, etc. I have an herbal spray that goes on my bed every night. It helps calm me down a lot before I go to sleep. I also drink a TON of tea. tea is incredibly calming. Vanilla tea works best for me - find what works for you.
When you start to stress out, take a deep breath. take a looooong deep breath and count to 10 before you react. This helps you think and make rational decisions.
Maybe you don't have anxiety, but someone you love does. Here's some helpful dialogue:
- "It's okay to be stressed out. Let's talk about WHY you're stressed out and see what we can do to tackle this together."
- "I understand that you are sad/upset. Would you like some tea and then we can watch a movie?"
- "I get that you don't like parties, but this one means a lot to me. I promise I will stay by your side, and won't leave you alone."
- "No, I'm not mad at you. New rule, if I ever am mad at you, I'll tell you, this way if I haven't said it, you know I'm not."
- "Take a few deep breaths. Let's start there"
- "How do you feel?"

Because I live with anxiety, I know how hard it is. I know that sometimes you just feel like you can't get out of bed. I know that sometimes picking up the phone to order dinner stresses you out. I know that sometimes you feel like crying for no reason. This is okay. This is normal. The best way to start healing and helping yourself is to find what works for you. Do you need alone time? Do you need a hug? do you need tea? Do you need burger king? What's your go - to? What makes you feel beautiful...What makes you feel calm? What makes you feel okay?

- Tea
- Counting to ten
- Taking a few deep breaths
- Smiling even when you're sad
- petting an animal
- cuddling with a stuffed animal
- calling your best friend
- hugging your parents/loved ones
- eating your favorite food
- taking a well deserved nap
- reading a good book
- laughing with a child
- watching a funny movie
- treating yourself
- hot chocolate
- warm sweaters
- random dance party
- trying something fun and new
If you have any questions about dealing with anxiety, please comment or ask me! Have a wonderful week my loves.
Concept: Loving Yourself. This blog will inspire you to feel a bit more confident every day. All words and pictures are original. Copyright. Contact author for pictures or quotes before using. I love you. You are worth it. Have a day that connects your body, mind, and soul and leaves you feeling respected, loved, and happy.
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